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A platform where you can upload your daily commute in exchange for someone else’s experience across the world.

Intro Video

Watch the glimpse video to get an idea of how the stages work

How it works

How it works

Glimpse is a platform that transforms as new technology become available. It is a platform that builds on itself, as more and more people contribute to it.

On this site, you can see the three stages explained in more details. Where you see the  symbol, please follow the instructions to interact with each stage.



Insights from expatriates and third culture kids showed their open mindedness and flexibility in moving to new places.

Glimpse is a celebration of the aspects of their culture, sharing it with others. 

You can view and test the app across the page. All glimpse videos are linked in the next page below.

If you'd like to test the app on your phone instead, please type the following link into your phone:

Stage 1

Stage 1: The App

The app lets you upload and exchange your experiences - giving details of your journeys and tagging it with your descriptions.


You can save a specific city and follow all glimpses from that country as well as comment on other journeys.

Glimpse Videos
Stage 2

Stage 2: VR & 360

This stage involves using 360 videos and virtual reality headsets. I've created an example 360 video which you can test and move around. Press play and use the toggle tool to navigate.

To experience this stage fully, please use the Google Cardboard provided. You'll need to download the latest version of the YouTube app onto an iPhone and then use either of the following links or search using the name of the video:

Glimpse Bus Journey

Glimpse London Train 360


Before pressing play, press the three dots in the corner of the youtube video and then the google cardboard icon. Place the phone into the Google Cardboard and press play. 

The immersive experience is a platform that is still in its infancy but which would grow with time. For this project, I would use available 4D virtual reality technology to mimc the smells, sounds and feelings of a certain journey. 

Stage 3: Immersive Experience

The two potential outcomes for the immersive experience, would be either a 4D virtual reality booth, or a podcast that allows people to listen to someone talking through their journey. These would both be more revolved around the senses and the experience of the journey.

Stage 3
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